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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Not Being Able To Delete Emails

On the iPhone, when deleting a message from your mailbox, you may receive the error “cannot move to trash”.

You can usually fix this problem by going to:

Settings Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Email Account > Advanced Deleted Mailbox, then tapping the “Trash” option under “On iPhone” (even if it is already ticked), then going back two screens and clicking the “Done” button.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


A Few Tips:

#1 Don't have the same password for everything.

#2 Change your password often.

#3 For anything Google, you can look at the history. If it's something you didn't search for, then change the password. If it's Youtube, that's easy to check by going to the History tab on the side. You can look at "Last Account Activity" for Gmail as well.

#4 Don't have old/unused accounts opened.

#5 If you get an email saying you signed into an account and you didn't, change the password.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Deleted Pictures

If you ever get an error saying your phone is too full of pictures to take any more, even tho you have barely any in your Photos app, check under your albums. There is a new album created by Apple that keeps all your deleted pictures. Delete everything in that album and it should clear up the error.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Deleting Old Backups In iTunes

You can delete old iPhone/iPad backups by going to Preferences, Devices and then selecting the backups you want to delete. I would leave the last backup on iTunes just in case your phone breaks before you back it up again.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Audio Texts

With the new iPhone 6 & 6 Plus you can text and save audio files. Click and hold the microphone that's to the left of the text box. If you want to keep what you recorded, slide up. The audio file sends RIGHT AWAY tho. It doesn't give you the option to listen to it first. After you have either sent it to someone or sent it to yourself, you can save it. Hold your finger over the audio file and click save. The file will be saved to your Voice Memos app to do whatever you want with. When you plug your iPhone in, your voice memos will show up in iTunes when you click on "On This iPhone". It will show up under "Voice Memos" where playlists show up.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


With the new iPhones and the later IOS update, the notes are arranged different. In the left lower corner is usually where you can email...your notes, but it's now 
where you delete the notes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New iPhone 6 Cases

If you dont like using a case on your phone, but also drop it enought that you need a case, this is a good solution. It hasnt been released yet but its basically a screen protector for the front and back of your phone that is shock proof and should protect your phone. You can enter your email in and get notified when it is in stock.,default,pd.html?dwvar_cpseries=360